
As part of our Thought Leader series, ECOSYS is providing a discussion forum on thinkers with important K12 perspectives.


YONG ZHAO is Chair and Associate Dean of the College of Education at the University of Oregon.  He is outspoken in his concerns about education in America, and brings his intimate knowledge of the Chinese education system to drive interesting and important comparisons about K12 in the West.


His recent book is Catching Up or Leading the Way (2009).

Zhao's blog is at



Additional articles will be posted HERE, as they are offered.


CHAT OUTLINE Scheduled for 3/11 9p EST, following this outline, provided by our own Gregg Miller, who recently had a chance to see Yong Zhao speak in Alberta, CN.






ZHAO transcript for 3/11.

Please RT and/or Favorite additional tweets for anything we missed here.  We can come back to ZHAO again. 


What is Ecosys?

It's a conversation about change in our social ecosystems, currently focused on K12 Education.  Here's more on our framing and our wiki frontpage brightspots topics



Quotes from Catching Up or Leading the Way: