
T5 Teacher Preparation

Page history last edited by Chris Jones 13 years, 1 month ago

Here is some of the initial capture on the topic of Teacher Preparation, per our 12/18 and 1/8 chats


Q1. Recap of major issues and concerns:

Broad range of issues, varies by state/district

Many programs are outdated

Too much theory, not enough practical

Too short

Lack of permission to take chances

Smaller class size for new teachers

Q2. What are challenges of University Program training?

Need a mentoring approach

Action research valuable where available

Needs to be a consideration of transition prior to teacher intake

Non-urban Universities need to somehow expose teachers to realities of Urban Ed

Q3 Can District needs drive local University teaching programs?

Many do; cohorts supported by both University and District

Need more partnerships



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Suggested Readings on T5 Teacher Prep in Education:

UF article Dec'10 (MJ,CJ)

Bill Gates Seeks Better Formula for Teachers



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