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Bright Spot: SLA Capstone

Page history last edited by Chris Jones 13 years, 1 month ago

<SLA Capstone Description Here >


Key success factors

  • Every student treated as an individual 
  • Mentors pulled from teachers' other lives 
  • Release time for teachers to collaborate is unusual, and very important 
  • Teachers "self select" to be in this particular kind of learning environment 



Links for SLA Capstone program:

Capstone Graduation Project, Science Leadership Academy (Phila PA) for 8/7 via @DLaufenburg (working docs)



Conversation Framing

To drive deeper understanding of CAPSTONE Program and its implications for similar innovation across K12 Ecosystem, let's tee up the following primary questions for a downstream ECOSYS


Q1. What are minimum qualifications for mentors?

Q2. What is optimal class size? Can SLA levels in the 30's replicate, and be scaled?

Q3. What factors influence ability to go mainstream?


What is Ecosys?


It's a conversation about change in our social ecosystems, currently focused on K12 Education.  Here's more on our framing and our wiki frontpage brightspots topics





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