
I1 EduKare

Page history last edited by Chris Jones 14 years ago


What is #EcoSYS?

It's an ongoing conversation on the dynamics of social ecosystems, now focused on K12 Education.more return to front page


Innovation Framing

On these pages, we will outline innovative ideas driven by insights generated in our weekly chats or async conversations, in hopes that we might establish a base of ideas for others to draw from.  Scope and approach of idea are expanded below.



I1 EduKare.

A new paradigm for struggling urban schools.


Q1 What are basic parameters of concept?

A1a. Primary framing link by @GraingerEd

A1b. Seeks clarity re: individual student profile; allows targeted learning, with prescriptive student-specific solutions

A1c. Provides multidisciplinary professionals response to support, bringing budgets with them (eg., social services, library, nurses, probation officers, parents, pre-service teachers, volunteers, retirement community)

A1d. Aligned with community (resilience), engage more directly w/ parents, creates consistent fabric throughout school.

A1e Looking for strengths first, using that to address deficits (core to resilience building).

A1f. Addresses "hopelessness" problem via tangible, visible changes in community.


Q2 In what ways is this approach different (a.) mainstream and (b.) what has been tried before?


A2a.1 Mainstream system is designed for average student in average community; EduKare recognizes that every student can learn.

A2a.2 Recognizes that a variety of social detractors (Poverty, addiction, social problems, relationship problems, depression, family issues, learning disabilities, violence, gangs) will block student's ability to learn; traditional public school programs often ignore these factors

A2a.3 Approach is more 'model' than 'program', and as such, will evolve (not set in stone).

A2a.4 Allows more student choice.

A2a.5 Cheaper: Eliminates unnecessary overhead via "mash up" in school facility

A2a.6 Better, Cheaper, Faster: Early warning & mitigation heads off need for $$ downstream disruptive escalation (eg., law enforcement).

A2a.7 Improved communication of values, transparency.


A2b.1 Benefits of HCZ community approach, but adds individualized focus


Q3 Who stands to (a.) gain from this approach, and how? (b.) Who stands to lose, and how?

A3.1 Anyone associated with the status quo.

A3.2 Teachers who do not like being challenged on how they will teach; teachers that teach "in the middle".


Q4 What are the biggest hurdles to this approach and potential mitgations for them?

A4.1 Existing schools could be challenge; may be easiest in new schools, staff could embrace shared philosophy.

A4.2 Existing schools could be challenge; parents could help in existing schools (untapped lobby).


Q5 What 'next steps' might help drive this idea to reality? 

A5.1 See "participatory action research" 


What's a Social Ecosystem?

K12 Education today functions like an ‘ecosystem’. Most of the many interdependent stakeholders (teachers, students, parents, administrators, legislators, policy makers, text book companies) work diligently, but not always in tandem. No one entity has full control of the process. Across the diverse stakeholder groups are multiple, often conflicting objectives. Each depends on the others in the food chain for the system to function, but there is little optimization taking place.  Across the education ecosystem, too often it’s become a challenge of survival.


Open for further Discussion & Input.

Parking Lot for future topics (possibly in other threads, "Bright Spots", "Thought Leaders", "R"s or "T"s, "Innovations"

  • TBD
  • TBD


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