capturing the live conversation:
01. Christensen, Clayton, Disrupting Class, 2008, McGraw-Hill: NY.- Scheduled for WEDS 10/6 9pET
Tweets from the chat:
@GWoodJCG collaboration and tech can bring great things, and individual teachers knowing individual students supports learning
@jennar and lots of class size research says 'doesn't matter' but...for teachers to know learners and content, size matters
@classroomtools differnetiation doesn't fit w/ pacing guides and scripted curriculum
@jennar @classroomtools which brings up class size- huge classes, difficult to simultaneously engage- not impossible, but hard
@fmindlin: I've got a three pt plan:re-empower teachers, adequate funding&class size 20 max across the board-then students can get custom lrng
@jennar @GWoodJCG collaboration and tech can bring great things, and individual teachers knowing individual students supports learning
@dlaufenberg: imo, we shoot 4 the wrong stndrds. the 1s we really need aren't easily measureable, so we test what we can measure, not what we need
@eduinnovation Factory model created specialist that focused on small part of the process or operation- lacking context of whole #ecosys
@fmindlin: student-centered lrng is at the opposite pole from "grading on a curve"; w/out numeric assessments, nothing to rank; assess ea lrnr
@eduinnovation "factory model" also has a process that can be managed, predictable. Little change. No input from workers needed
@classroomtools "I think the past 100 years of ed history amply demonstrates the failure of the factory model"
JWoodJCG factory model also favored "best" and disregarded/threw out "subpar"
@classroomtools Standards are useful 2 focus tchr planning re: topics, but not 2 specify nature of individual lessons
@jennar High level learning happens across settings, paradigms, philosophies, class sizes & contexts. My goal: identify what makes each work
@jennar: @philhart I see gr8 value in less standardization & more focus on autonomy & act of performance as goal not common goals
@W3ightless @eduinnovation And we've lost focus on the art of teaching, the true essence of pedagogy.
@dlaufenberg @philhart but its more than that, often the transfer from the discreet to the... what can I do with the information- is not measured
@dlaufenberg also, the testing model puts competition-too much, imo- rather than cooperation, collaboration and 'social'ness into the learning.
@jennar @philhart but a definition of 'great creation' is dependent on worldview- what you think is great and what I do cld be different
@dlaufenberg not even creatively, but truly apply the knowledge...
@sourcepov: Q3. When structured institutions scale, their paradigms grow rigid. The 'system' takes precedence. Kuhn wrote on this '62 ..
@sourcepov: Q3 .. so a natural progression from Factory Model is the 'rigid bureaucracy' that results, over time. Resistance to change ..
Q3 .. this doesn't mean teachers are resisting, but the system is geared to self perpetuate. Politics, textbooks .. and so on ..
@jennar- @ToughLoveforX @GWoodJCG Good tests, when used to high stakes ends, not so good.
Q3 I see it as a wider malaise, it is entrenched in retrogressive parts of society: see @ShellTerrell's
@ToughLoveforX I don't get it. Where would you put Disrupting Class insights about disruptive innovations in edu systems?
@jennar I see disruptive innovation as active work against current restrictive paradigms. A path back out???
@fmindalin @ToughLoveforX 'disruptive innovation'-1st comes the context collapse, then the paradigm can shift #ecosys
Q3 @ToughLoveforX @philhart Yes. And. That's why #edreform practitioners get smothered by attempts to innovate & need alt. platforms #ecosys
@toughloveforX @fmindlin @jennar You think it's fair to say First comes the change under the radar. Then context collapses. Then paradigm shift.
@eduinnovation @ToughLoveforX Bottom up innovation #ecosys
@ToughLoveforX Bottom up and outside in is the only way innov ever happened. Probably the only way it will going forward.
.@sourcepov I think there is hunger for innovation... but the system strangles it. #ecosys
@rosamariatorres: Bottom up innovation @ToughLoveforX @eduinnovation when married with top down reform may produce education CHANGE.
@eduinnovation do u think contemporary tchr prep programs build capacity? I see new teachers embracing new ideas more readily.
@eduinnovation Disruption based on Design Thinking--embraces the context, limitations, barriers-and innovates. need to embrace the limited "canvas"
@dlaufenberg What I don't want to happen is differentiated/customized to a level of 'solo' learning, think it needs to be social & collaborative
@jennar "I see great appetite for innovation, but punishing system impedes"
@sourcepov- @dlaufenberg I've always taken that position. Open minded about disruptive innovation, but it seems to leave big probs intact.
@eduinnovation: Disruption based on Design Thinking--embraces the context, limitations, barriers-and innovates. need to embrace the limited "canvas"
@dlaufenberg: @jennar the forces at play in the larger system are often motivated by things other than effective teaching/learning.
@GwoodJCG- @eduinnovation but in exchange for something new, should view as trade instead of loss
@toughloveforX- @dlaufenberg #ecosys My bet is that the differences is Culture and the presence of Trust based communication.
@toughloveforXMy thought is that it's only kids and parents in really broken situations that will Push for change.
@sourcepov See kids, parents, teachers as primary actors in #edu ecosystem. Often those voices not heard.
@eduinnovation- @jennar Agreed. Education doesn't usually tend to be that nuanced/skilled in its dealing with human motivational factors though.
@drtimony Agency so important in change. Ideas not property, goals shared.
@toughloveforx I've seen the same. It's ironic how often it's said "Poor people don't value education.' So demonstrably wrong.
@toughloveforX @DrTimony I was thinking that if politicos focus on serving them it can be a pretty disruptive force.
@drtimony: @jennar made to feel happy to have what they have. Afraid to lose it I'd they raise concerns. #ecosys Ts get sim treatment-lucky to have job
@jennar would be interesting to examine the shift from 'equity' to 'excellence' in the 80s (Nation at Risk, Goals 2000, NCLB)
Questions/Links for followup:
Before I go to Q2 tho, a semantic call out: Are custom & differentiated learning the same thing, or diff? Helps to be specific .. #ecosys
Prof Willingham, Cog Sci describes "research showing that learning styles are a myth" vid at Youtube
@rosamarietorres Fascination with standardization is being exported elsewehere - i.e. Latin America - the new fashion in #education.
Top few take-aways (cross-posted to main Thought Leadership main page)
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