Another way that Ecosys seeks to better understand challenges of our social ecosystem is to discuss important insights from thought leaders, pulling from the many overlapping domains that influence our subject area. In the case of education, we will periodically review work that relates to standards and curriculum reform, learning science, social and cultural innovation, the dynamics of social ecosystems, approaches to large-scale innovation and education reform in general.
Nomination of titles and authors is open to all members.
We will list candidates for future 2-hour chat discussion below. We'll ask a group member to provide a short written synopsis as framing in order to surface the most relevant content for discussion. That member or their named partner will then moderate the discussion, searching for useful takeaways that are relevant to our mission.
In the meantime, we will remain on the lookout for interesting books, articles, or blog posts, to see what useful patterns we can discover.
Thought Leader reviews (coming soon) - planned for 3/11 9p EST
Zhao, Yong. See also his recent book: Catching Up or Leading the Way, 2009.
Notes for past Thought Leader reviews - scheduled for live chat (nominated by team for in-depth evaluation):
01 (link). Christensen, Clayton, Disrupting Class, 2008, McGraw-Hill: NY.- Discussed WEDS 10/6 9pET (insights)
Potential Works slated for FUTURE Thought Leader reviews (holding tank - titles for exploration):
01. Pink, Daniel re: Right-brain DLearning in A Whole New Mind, 2005, Riverhead/Penguin: NY. - framing tbd
02 (link). Anderson et al re: Critical Thinking., A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching & Assessing (Updates on Bloom), 2001, Addison-Wesley, NY. - framing tbd
03. Johnson, Stephen B., Where Good Ideas Come From, 2010 (as yet unpublished; promotional trailer here)
04. Skinner, B.F. Walden Two, 1948, Hackett: Indianapolis.
05 Heath, Chip & Dan, Switch, 2010..
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