P2 Compensation
Framing of this issue:
Professional compensation is not aligned with overall scope and scale of our national learning objectives.
Problem Dimensions (ecosystem domain & boundaries):
Problem seems to exist in every state, in spite of variation in State laws. Why is this?
What data can we review to drive this analysis?
a) there should be a national minimum teacher salary
b) teaching salaries should be more competitive to attract more good people to teaching
c) compensation conversations must also include discussing teacher evaluation
d) teacher evaluation only against high stakes tests is counter-productive
e) other goals/factors can be used to eval (student progress, students like school, leading/providing professional development for others/ mentoring
f)perhaps use student progress (one year growth in one year) instead of benchmark tests
g) teaching should be treated more like other professions; question of tenure, unions,
h) public needs to better understand jobs of teachers and administrators to support fair and appropriate compensation and accountability
i) Teacher Compensation reform is only one part of bigger school funding reform issues
j) we need to look to Comp models outside of edu (biz, nat min salary) but Edu issues are unique, solutions unique as well
k) Compensation needs to include salary and also factor in health care, pension, dental benefits, etc.
Who Has the Problem (supervising jurisdictions & implementation focus):
State Departments of Education
A. Problem Statement:
- Teacher's are not paid at a levels to retain top talent.
- Possible problem with linkage between teacher pay and student performance (new 1/25)
B. Process Description (if applicable):
- Teacher pay is set by each State, using National Average data to normalize salaries. What data can we review to drive this analysis?
C. Actors & Behaviors (desired, undesired):
- State Legislators (determine funding levels)
- Administration (allocate from available funds)
- Teachers
- Taxpayers (ultimate funding source)
D. Process Model (picture(s) & flow(s) as needed):
- diagrams of flow that may be relevant to understanding or solutions for this issue?
E. Process Rules:
- what are constraints, actual or implied?
F. Outcomes (desired, undesired):
- Overall higher compensation structure to attract and retain top talent in the system.
- Compensation practices that reflect teacher knowledge of learners and content, rather than simply 'student performance' (new 1/25).
- Advance the understanding of 'professional competency' required for great teaching (new 1/25).
G. External Context:
- What State funding priorities are competing with teacher pay?
- What incentives are possible?
- What other family priorities that are competing with learning?
Other sources or references relative to this topic
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