
Chris Jones

Page history last edited by Chris Jones 15 years, 1 month ago


Introducing: Chris Jones (founder)


Contact Info:

Cary, NC


Blog: http://sourcepov.wordpress.com/ 

Website: http://sourcepov.com/

Twitter: http://twitter.com/sourcepov

Skype: sourcepov 



Collaboration consultant and thought leader, with a passion for learning, harnessing complexity, and driving new levels of engagement for social innovation.


Projects & Communities:

  • SMCHAT: Driving the Social Media paradigm (founder)
  • ECOSYS: Driving Public Engagement in Social Innovation (founder)
  • KMers: Best Practices in Knowledge Management (contributor)
  • Talent Culture: Career Strategies (contributor)
  • Open Government: Action based on the President's Open Government Directive (contributor)


Things I'm Working On:

  • Research: Organizational Culture (a 5-part blog series)
  • Culture Change in Gov (a 1-hour workshop for the CBODN SIG) #GOVLOOP
  • OpenGov program contributions, including possibly speaking role at May Open Innovations Conference in Washington, DC #OGI2


Ideas for Further Collaboration (add here):



Availability (how to reach me):

  • Time is limited of late, but I'm always open to ideas. My network is pretty well established, so perhaps I can direct you to the right resource. Send me a DM or email if you'd like to SKYPE live, and we can try to find some time.



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